Sunday, January 20, 2013

God Gives. God Takes.

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be His name.

I never understood how God could so easily bless me with such amazing, genuine people in my life, only to have some people just walk out of my life. From my first time entering high school, I began to be tested with finding friends who I could authentically talk to and be vulnerable with. Sharing one's heart is never easy, and at times, so scary. So for the longest time, I just wouldn't.

But things can change. Jesus has taken me on the craziest journey to get to where I am now. And still, I struggle each time I "lose" those I'm closest to, or those who truly treasure my heart. Yet in the blink of an eye, I know that God has something so beautiful, so unrepeatable planned. And it's in those small, impacting moments that I know I have to push through the pain. No matter how many friendships I go through to find those who will stick out the trying times with me, Jesus is immovable. He is my anchor.

So as I find myself here again, facing the confusion and pain, I look toward Christ. The only one who will never let me down. The one with which I am enthralled daily. The love of my life.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to meet You on calvary again and again when I am faced with these painful trials. I trust in You always. Today, tomorrow, always and forever.

Thank you Lord. For it is in the giving and the taking away that I am drawn more toward You.

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