Saturday, January 19, 2013

He is Constant

To authentically be yourself in a world that tears you down
is to overcome the biggest challenge.

To experience the sincerity of a stranger as you feel lost and broken
is truly God standing before you with outstretched arms.

To know that you are worth Christ dying for
is incomprehensible. 

You, my friend, were made for more.

You are strong.
You are courageous.
You can overcome.

To realize and understand all that you have to offer to this world
is proof that you are made in the image and likeness of God

To desire our Lord and Savior above all else
is ultimately the epitome of love.

To know that your heart is in the hands of a mighty, forgiving Father
is allowing you to be capable of vulnerability with our Creator. 

You, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, are worth the bloodshed of Jesus Christ.

And when you feel weak, He is strong.
When you become afraid, He is constant. Unchanging. Immovable. 
And when you fall to your knees in desperation, He will carry you to the ends of the earth. 

You are all that He wants. 
What a beautiful love story you have the opportunity to live out. 
Let Him embrace you with open arms, and a heart ready to love you to the fullest. 

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