Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jesus' Saving Power

For those of you who don't know me all too well, I am someone who loves writing letters to my friends, or giving them random gifts. I am someone who wants to let those people in my life that have impacted me truly know what they mean to me. I so often worry that those people and my dearest friends don't understand the extent of what they mean to me. I mentioned in an earlier post, what if God takes them from my life before they know how much they mean to me? It's so true though. If I could, I would make a job out of letting people know how appreciated they are. Ha, ok so that might sound a little bit silly, but I'm being serious. I just want my friends and family to genuinely feel how much I care for them.

I have recently noticed that it is in this passion of mine, that Satan tears at my heart the most. He is able to take something so beautiful, and twist it. God has blessed me with a giving heart. I find so much more happiness in giving than receiving, which explains why I spend so much time giving of myself. But then the doubts fill my mind. Satan takes my relationships/friendships and just clutches my heart with such devious and painful plans. All the sudden I find myself feeling so...alone. And yet, I know that I'm not alone. Not one bit. But I find my mind wandering and wondering about my friends. What if some of my friendships are just one sided? What if I am able to get so much out of the relationship, yet my friends don't get anything out of it. I was told once that friendships need to be giving and receiving on both ends. So what if I am receiving endless gifts from my friends without them realizing it, but they are getting nothing from me. And when I talk about getting things in a relationship, I'm not meaning actual tangible gifts, but the gifts that come on a deeper level. The things that they teach you or challenge you with. Satan just plants these thoughts in my head that maybe I am more of a nuisance in some of my relationships. It's so exhausting and even more so frustrating. I just don't want to be that "needy" friend. And sometimes, I just can't tell whether in my relationships I'm viewed more as a casual friend, or an actual authentic sister in Christ that has worth and value in these relationships.

I realize this may all sound so...dramatic. And I'm not sharing this struggle in the hopes that people will pour their compliments on me as a friend. You see, I am sharing this simply because I need to, and maybe because some of you can relate to this. We all want to feel that worth in our human relationships. And I feel like sometimes, I tend to forget about the most important relationship - that of Christ. Our relationships with Christ are the only relationships what will not fail us. Jesus Christ will never fail you. So although I know that I will still feel...unappreciated at times, my dear sweet love Jesus is by my side fighting Satan off. Does Satan even stand a chance against our Lord and Savior? Never. Not even the tiniest chance.

I want to share this vision with you. I feel that everyone will be able to relate to this. So just allow Jesus to step in to your life and heal you of the hurting and fears. Whatever you may be struggling with right now personally, I want you to think about that struggle or temptation and all the hurt or confusion you may feel along with it.

Imagine now that you are trapped at the bottom of a deep, dark pit. Maybe that is how you're feeling right now. That whatever you may be facing has you trapped at the bottom of the hole. Feeling so lost, alone, and dark. As you try to find means to climb out, Satan comes. He begins taunting you with hurtful words, thoughts, and images. He doesn't let up. He is pushing at you, frightening you, and overwhelming you with his convincing lies. You are about to break and you don't know how much more you can take. You begin weeping and ever so lightly crying out to God. You open your eyes and see a bit of light near the top of the pit. As you strain to see what the light is, you see one of the most important people in your life peering over the top of the hole. Maybe it's your mom or dad, sister or brother. Whoever it might be, they give you the tiniest bit of hope against Satan. But Satan comes back stronger than before and he keeps taunting you. You find the bit of strength to look up toward the top of the pit again, and another light appears. This time its one of your dearest and closest friends. The more you look toward the top of the pit, the more lights appear and the less deep the pit becomes. And with each light is another significant person in your life. Each friend and family member that appears looks upon lovingly. They smile down at you and even though no words are said, you know they love you. The more friends and family and lights that appear, the weaker Satan becomes. You can tell he is beginning to get overwhelmed. You, on the other hand, are finding more and more strength with each person that appears. You are closer to the top of the pit than ever before and finally, you call out whole heartedly to Jesus, asking for His help. The very instant that you call for His help, a huge beautiful light appears, and Satan vanishes into thin air. Jesus reaches down, pulls you out of the pit, and embraces you in the biggest hug you could ever imagine. You begin crying, and look up into Jesus' face. Imagine the most amazing and powerful and loving smile you have ever seen. That is how Jesus is looking at you at this very instant. He is pulling out of the despair. And He is loving you ever more. Allow Him to  love you, hold you, and never let you go.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heal this Generation

"Heal this generation. Set us free from all our sins and pour on us Your precious blood...heal this generation..."
         - lyrics from a song by Brother Agape at Intercessors of the Lamb Conference 2007

How great our Fathers love for us. How deep His scars. How beautiful a cross He carried. How brutal yet breathtaking His crucifixion.

Jesus, the love of my life, died for me and you. How can one truly even comprehend the overwhelming depth of His mercy, love, understanding, patience, and overall beauty. When I look at this society I cannot help but to lose hope in seeing how skewed this world's views are. Yet, I am able to find that hope once again in our Lord's redeeming and healing love. I have no doubt in my heart and in my mind that Jesus truly will heal this generation one heart at a time. The fact that He cares deeply enough for each and every one of us to spend forever fighting for us is so immaculate.

I write out these thoughts not to simply get this hurt off my chest, because in reality, the hurt remains. I write this to reach out to others who maybe already feel and accept His love, and for those who yearn so deeply for the love that only He can truly give. It just breaks my heart to see so many people throw away the beauty that they are as a unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable sons or daughters of Christ.

To the men of this broken world. Learn to be a gentleman. Step up and be the soldier of Christ that you are called out to be. Be leaders in your faith. Be respectful of woman, especially to those who haven't found the strength and understanding to respect themselves. Reach out to everyone in love.
1 Chronicles 16:11 says to seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His presence continually.

To the women of this harsh world. Fall in love Jesus first and foremost. He is the source of true happiness. Be the woman who is so hidden in our Lord that any man worthy of your love must seek Jesus to find you. We as woman are BEAUTIFUL beyond belief and we should all be treated like princesses. After all, we are daughters of our Savior and King.

Alright I should probably wrap this up. I just yearn so badly to reach out to all those who are hurting and all those in need. Thankfully I can place my hope in the Lord today, tomorrow, always and forever.  Thank you Jesus for your mercy.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

He died for us...let us live for Him

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Living in such a broken world it's incredibly hard to see that small glimmer of hope. Stretching from gang shootings to pre-marital sex to a complete and utter loss of self worth, value, and dignity. It's absolutely heartbreaking to be a witness to the happenings of todays society. Thankfully, in all the despair and pain I am constantly reminded of John 16:33.

Jesus Christ, my Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and best friend has miraculously overcome this world! How incredibly beautiful is that?! I just cannot comprehend the depth of His love for me, and for every single person He so willingly created in His image and likeness. The fact that with each and every trial and tribulation that causes heartbreak and pain in our lives, there is such hope in knowing that Jesus has overcome each of those temptations and failures purely out of love for us. Not only has He overcome this world, but He surpasses our expectations with flying colors as He brings beauty from our pain. Of course we may not see how our pain could ever be beautiful, yet through Christ all things are possible as He is the source of our strength. He has overcome every possible trial that we face. We alone will never have the strength to overcome the brokenness of this world. But in and through His strength we too can overcome our difficulties.

Ah, what a beautiful word. Overcome. I feel like we are all called to challenge ourselves so that we may better ourselves as sons and daughters of God. I have set the challenge for myself to start with one struggle/temptation that I face daily and strive to overcome it with Jesus' help. It's going to be hard. It's going to be painful. But I am so ready to truly make some changes in my life. I definitely encourage others to join me on this difficult, yet unbelievably beautiful journey toward strengthening our relationships with Christ.

Dear Jesus, I give you my life. I thank you for the abundance of gifts you've blessed me with as well as all the struggles you allow in my life so that I may overcome them and grow in You, Lord. I ask that You would pour Your endless blessings on those who may be struggling right now to commit themselves to You. You, Lord, are our strength, comfort, and Redeemer. You died for us. Help us to take up our own crosses daily and live for You so that we may have eternal life with You. I love you Lord!
Love always, 
Hannah Kathryn

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Totally and Completely Overwhelmed by Your Love, Lord

I literally just open my eyes and see God's constant, forgiving love absolutely everywhere.
by your love oh Lord. Your beauty is astounding. Your heart is healing. Your embrace is a reminder that
of me. Through you I overcame and continue to overcome.
I am madly, deeply in love with You.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finding Myself in Him

So this is the first time in awhile I've just sat down to really catch my breath and listen to music. I pulled up my blog to write out what I would hope to be some encouraging words and instead I found myself completely at a loss of words. You know how sometimes your mind is enthralled with a billion thoughts all at once? Well, maybe you haven't experienced that if you're a guy, but I'm sure all of us girls have! Well that's where I'm at right now.

My mind thankfully takes some comfort in recalling the bible verse John 16:33...
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Even as I feel pain, sadness, and loneliness, I find strength not only in this verse, but in one single, powerful word. Overcome. In the same aspect that Jesus has overcome the world, how can I not see the graces that God pours over me so that I, too, may overcome all my trials. Jesus, our Lord and Savior has overcome the world! I cannot even begin to comprehend that fact! This generation that needs more than anything to be healed, He has overcome. This world in which sex is tossed around as though it is nothing. This world where babies are brutally aborted each and every day. This world where there are more broken hearts than smiles. This world full or hurt. He has overcome it all. Well if that isn't a prince in shining armor, I don't know what is! God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I ask that You would help me to overcome as You have.

As I sit here trying to concentrate on what I'm writing, I can't help but be distracted by the two friends I am sitting with. Stephanie and Miles. They are currently working on sign language for a song for an upcoming retreat. Priceless, let me tell you. I am more blessed than I could possibly deserve. And maybe, just maybe, that's where I'm finding my pain. I often feel as though all of the amazing people who have impacted my life will not realize just how much I cherish all that they are in my life. What if God were to take them from my life before I was ready? How can I possibly show them and truly express my thanks to them? Looking at these two right now I just hope and pray that I can be as faithful and wonderful as they are.

Whew, well I am exhausted. I'm thinking it's time to finish up some art, talk with my best friend, Jesus, and fall asleep listening to some Jesus music.
Thank you God for the people you've blessed me with <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just giving some thanks to my one and only...

My dear Lord and best friend, 
I love you. 
Thank you for this beautiful day as I started my second semester of college. 
Thank you for miss Kileen Ann Willis who brightened up my day right from the start. 
Thank you for my family who loves me endlessly.
Thank you for my daddy with whom I share many little memories that are dear to my heart.
Thank you for my mommy who I admire and am proud of for pursuing her art.
Thank you for my sister, Brittany, who I am building a deeper relationship with being her at college.
Thank you for my sister, Dani, who I barely go a day without talking to. 
Thank you for listening to me as I shared my heart with You. 
Thank you for the opportunity to attend Candlelight Mass that leaves me speechless every single time. Thank you for the joy that overcame me as I saw all my other wonderful friends. 
Thank you for those friends who continually make me laugh. And not just simply laugh, but laugh a ton! Thank you for the chances You give me to grow in my faith and really step outside my comfort zone. 
Thank you for Joe, who has no idea how much he impacts my life.
Thank you for Your forgiveness.
Thank you for opening my eyes to see...well, You know what you opened my eyes to see. =)
Thank you, Lord, most of all for loving me with Your infinite, perfect love. 

Love, with all my heart,

Hannah Kathryn

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Very Own Love Letter...

Well shoot it's been awhile since I've written. I've been busy writing a book and well...facing the realities of life! Sometimes I forget just how many trials and tribulations can be thrown at us all at once. It's exhausting, am I right? The crazy thing is that even though I continue hurting and trying to face all that is at hand, if I just stop and really take in the presence of God in my life...it is absolutely astounding. A song that has been constantly in my head lately is Our God's Alive by Andy Cherry. The chorus very simply says it all...

Rise with a shout
Cry out, "Our God's alive"
Rise Holy fire, burn bright, burn bright
Cry out for freedom
Rise, Church, oh, rise
Our God's alive

How true and beautiful that is. I don't know about anyone else, but so often I get so caught up in the hurt that I'm facing that I all the sudden forget to notice the trees around me. Or the birds chirping, or the kids laughing. Whatever it may be, I look straight past it, caught up in myself. And here's the real kicker. Me, being a hopeless romantic, dream about being so loved someday that I will receive love letters from someone who admires and adores me. And really, when I think about that, I imagine a love letter written on paper yea? Hello Hannah, open your eyes! God is sending His breathtaking love letter to me EACH DAY as I am literally surrounded by His love. His love letter to me is the beautiful weather and the stranger who smiles at me. His love the music that brings tears to my eyes and the friends that I have been so incredibly blessed with. His love letter to me is everywhere, every second of my life. How could I be so blind to this dream come true? No one else could ever replace His endearing love letter to me.

What's even more amazing is the fact that God has a love letter for each and every one of us here, and each one is different. What could be better than that? I am loved infinitely. 

So although I have been busy, I have been blessed with God's graces as He opened my eyes to the reality that maybe I should just take that step back and really breathe. And then pause, and take in His love letter to me. And now I must continue on, growing in my faith, and sending my love letter right on back to Him. My Lord and Savior is just too precious, He is my love.