Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just giving some thanks to my one and only...

My dear Lord and best friend, 
I love you. 
Thank you for this beautiful day as I started my second semester of college. 
Thank you for miss Kileen Ann Willis who brightened up my day right from the start. 
Thank you for my family who loves me endlessly.
Thank you for my daddy with whom I share many little memories that are dear to my heart.
Thank you for my mommy who I admire and am proud of for pursuing her art.
Thank you for my sister, Brittany, who I am building a deeper relationship with being her at college.
Thank you for my sister, Dani, who I barely go a day without talking to. 
Thank you for listening to me as I shared my heart with You. 
Thank you for the opportunity to attend Candlelight Mass that leaves me speechless every single time. Thank you for the joy that overcame me as I saw all my other wonderful friends. 
Thank you for those friends who continually make me laugh. And not just simply laugh, but laugh a ton! Thank you for the chances You give me to grow in my faith and really step outside my comfort zone. 
Thank you for Joe, who has no idea how much he impacts my life.
Thank you for Your forgiveness.
Thank you for opening my eyes to see...well, You know what you opened my eyes to see. =)
Thank you, Lord, most of all for loving me with Your infinite, perfect love. 

Love, with all my heart,

Hannah Kathryn

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