Thursday, May 24, 2012

He died for us...let us live for Him

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Living in such a broken world it's incredibly hard to see that small glimmer of hope. Stretching from gang shootings to pre-marital sex to a complete and utter loss of self worth, value, and dignity. It's absolutely heartbreaking to be a witness to the happenings of todays society. Thankfully, in all the despair and pain I am constantly reminded of John 16:33.

Jesus Christ, my Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and best friend has miraculously overcome this world! How incredibly beautiful is that?! I just cannot comprehend the depth of His love for me, and for every single person He so willingly created in His image and likeness. The fact that with each and every trial and tribulation that causes heartbreak and pain in our lives, there is such hope in knowing that Jesus has overcome each of those temptations and failures purely out of love for us. Not only has He overcome this world, but He surpasses our expectations with flying colors as He brings beauty from our pain. Of course we may not see how our pain could ever be beautiful, yet through Christ all things are possible as He is the source of our strength. He has overcome every possible trial that we face. We alone will never have the strength to overcome the brokenness of this world. But in and through His strength we too can overcome our difficulties.

Ah, what a beautiful word. Overcome. I feel like we are all called to challenge ourselves so that we may better ourselves as sons and daughters of God. I have set the challenge for myself to start with one struggle/temptation that I face daily and strive to overcome it with Jesus' help. It's going to be hard. It's going to be painful. But I am so ready to truly make some changes in my life. I definitely encourage others to join me on this difficult, yet unbelievably beautiful journey toward strengthening our relationships with Christ.

Dear Jesus, I give you my life. I thank you for the abundance of gifts you've blessed me with as well as all the struggles you allow in my life so that I may overcome them and grow in You, Lord. I ask that You would pour Your endless blessings on those who may be struggling right now to commit themselves to You. You, Lord, are our strength, comfort, and Redeemer. You died for us. Help us to take up our own crosses daily and live for You so that we may have eternal life with You. I love you Lord!
Love always, 
Hannah Kathryn

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