Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heal this Generation

"Heal this generation. Set us free from all our sins and pour on us Your precious blood...heal this generation..."
         - lyrics from a song by Brother Agape at Intercessors of the Lamb Conference 2007

How great our Fathers love for us. How deep His scars. How beautiful a cross He carried. How brutal yet breathtaking His crucifixion.

Jesus, the love of my life, died for me and you. How can one truly even comprehend the overwhelming depth of His mercy, love, understanding, patience, and overall beauty. When I look at this society I cannot help but to lose hope in seeing how skewed this world's views are. Yet, I am able to find that hope once again in our Lord's redeeming and healing love. I have no doubt in my heart and in my mind that Jesus truly will heal this generation one heart at a time. The fact that He cares deeply enough for each and every one of us to spend forever fighting for us is so immaculate.

I write out these thoughts not to simply get this hurt off my chest, because in reality, the hurt remains. I write this to reach out to others who maybe already feel and accept His love, and for those who yearn so deeply for the love that only He can truly give. It just breaks my heart to see so many people throw away the beauty that they are as a unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable sons or daughters of Christ.

To the men of this broken world. Learn to be a gentleman. Step up and be the soldier of Christ that you are called out to be. Be leaders in your faith. Be respectful of woman, especially to those who haven't found the strength and understanding to respect themselves. Reach out to everyone in love.
1 Chronicles 16:11 says to seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His presence continually.

To the women of this harsh world. Fall in love Jesus first and foremost. He is the source of true happiness. Be the woman who is so hidden in our Lord that any man worthy of your love must seek Jesus to find you. We as woman are BEAUTIFUL beyond belief and we should all be treated like princesses. After all, we are daughters of our Savior and King.

Alright I should probably wrap this up. I just yearn so badly to reach out to all those who are hurting and all those in need. Thankfully I can place my hope in the Lord today, tomorrow, always and forever.  Thank you Jesus for your mercy.

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