Thursday, April 11, 2013

the Answer

I want to overcome.
     Jesus overcame.

I want to be strong.
     Jesus is my rock.

I can't fight the tears from coming.
     I meet with Christ on calvary through those same tears.

My scars just remind me of my past and all I want to hide.
     Jesus strengthens my wounds, softens my heart, and redeems me through my scars.

My voice is lost in the chaos of the world.
    Each word I speak is a melody to my Lord.

Loneliness envelops me regardless of all those I'm surrounded by
     Jesus wraps me in His arms day and day again.

I feel beaten down and broken.
     Jesus may stretch me, but He will never break me.

I begin to find my strength in the Lord.
     Jesus catches me as I take a leap of faith.

I am able to overcome the heartache and treacherous waters.
     And again, without fail...

Jesus is the answer.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reminder of God's Infinite Love

A good year ago or so I got a text from a friend and he had asked me, rather excitedly, "Do you know what today is?!"

I replied..."Uhmm, the 16th?" I was just assuming he was asking about what the actual date was. 
He then responded, "Today is an unrepeatable, irreplaceable mystery from God." 
Mind. Blown. Like, really though. How often do we take the time to reflect on the fact that each single day cannot be repeated? And not only that, but each day literally just exudes mystery from our Lord? It's truly beautiful and miraculous. 

I was so wrapped up this morning thinking about everything that's currently stressing me out along with all that I need to be working on and getting done when I God nudged me just enough to finally open my heart and eyes to His words. 

"I won't give you more, more than you can take. I might let you bend, but I won't let you break. And know, I'll never, ever let you go." Don't you forget what He said. 

We are all so often concerned with all that God is throwing at us it's just so easy to forget the mystery that each day holds and the beauty that is unveiled to us throughout the day. And the words in this song are just a perfect reminder of God's infinite love for each of us. When we feel as though we're trudging through treacherous waters, God is allowing us to turn our lives over to Him in a whole new way! The more we surrender ourselves to Him and His will for our lives, the more we are able to find authentic peace and happiness! 

And yes, that in no way means it will be easy to surrender to Him. But looking back at these lyrics, He's going to stretch us and bend us, but He will never break us. Our God is a loving, caring, and genuine God and Father. The more He stretches us, the more He is giving us the opportunities to surrender to Him and even more so, to grow in and through Him. He wants to take us on a journey outside of our comfort zones and outside of ourselves. That, my friends, is an astounding gift and mystery! 

I encourage each of you to embrace each day by remembering what God has told you, and continues to tell you. He might let you bend, but He'll never let you break.