Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just giving some thanks to my one and only...

My dear Lord and best friend, 
I love you. 
Thank you for this beautiful day as I started my second semester of college. 
Thank you for miss Kileen Ann Willis who brightened up my day right from the start. 
Thank you for my family who loves me endlessly.
Thank you for my daddy with whom I share many little memories that are dear to my heart.
Thank you for my mommy who I admire and am proud of for pursuing her art.
Thank you for my sister, Brittany, who I am building a deeper relationship with being her at college.
Thank you for my sister, Dani, who I barely go a day without talking to. 
Thank you for listening to me as I shared my heart with You. 
Thank you for the opportunity to attend Candlelight Mass that leaves me speechless every single time. Thank you for the joy that overcame me as I saw all my other wonderful friends. 
Thank you for those friends who continually make me laugh. And not just simply laugh, but laugh a ton! Thank you for the chances You give me to grow in my faith and really step outside my comfort zone. 
Thank you for Joe, who has no idea how much he impacts my life.
Thank you for Your forgiveness.
Thank you for opening my eyes to see...well, You know what you opened my eyes to see. =)
Thank you, Lord, most of all for loving me with Your infinite, perfect love. 

Love, with all my heart,

Hannah Kathryn

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Very Own Love Letter...

Well shoot it's been awhile since I've written. I've been busy writing a book and well...facing the realities of life! Sometimes I forget just how many trials and tribulations can be thrown at us all at once. It's exhausting, am I right? The crazy thing is that even though I continue hurting and trying to face all that is at hand, if I just stop and really take in the presence of God in my life...it is absolutely astounding. A song that has been constantly in my head lately is Our God's Alive by Andy Cherry. The chorus very simply says it all...

Rise with a shout
Cry out, "Our God's alive"
Rise Holy fire, burn bright, burn bright
Cry out for freedom
Rise, Church, oh, rise
Our God's alive

How true and beautiful that is. I don't know about anyone else, but so often I get so caught up in the hurt that I'm facing that I all the sudden forget to notice the trees around me. Or the birds chirping, or the kids laughing. Whatever it may be, I look straight past it, caught up in myself. And here's the real kicker. Me, being a hopeless romantic, dream about being so loved someday that I will receive love letters from someone who admires and adores me. And really, when I think about that, I imagine a love letter written on paper yea? Hello Hannah, open your eyes! God is sending His breathtaking love letter to me EACH DAY as I am literally surrounded by His love. His love letter to me is the beautiful weather and the stranger who smiles at me. His love the music that brings tears to my eyes and the friends that I have been so incredibly blessed with. His love letter to me is everywhere, every second of my life. How could I be so blind to this dream come true? No one else could ever replace His endearing love letter to me.

What's even more amazing is the fact that God has a love letter for each and every one of us here, and each one is different. What could be better than that? I am loved infinitely. 

So although I have been busy, I have been blessed with God's graces as He opened my eyes to the reality that maybe I should just take that step back and really breathe. And then pause, and take in His love letter to me. And now I must continue on, growing in my faith, and sending my love letter right on back to Him. My Lord and Savior is just too precious, He is my love.