Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Run With It

My last post was in February. Dang, that's quite a while! But honestly, that pretty much relates perfectly to how my life has been on so many different levels. Things have been insane. And even more than just insane, you could say I've been on a downhill battle in my faith. My relationship with God has been...well, basically in the desert.

Have you guys ever just had those disastrous streaks in which you have no motivation or yearning to even put effort into talking to Jesus? It's rough. I don't know why we put ourselves through that misery. It's definitely a reflection and reminder of our humanity though right? Check this out.

Isn't that legit?! Ah, that gets me every single time! But seriously, that's how I just recently felt hardcore. So I've been going through some changes...let me take that back. I've been going through numerous changes, not just some. And in my transitioning I got so wrapped up in my own life that I just pushed Jesus out of the picture. Every once in a while I would say a quick "Hey God," kind of prayer. Heartfelt would not be used to describe my recent prayers.

If I haven't mentioned in earlier posts, I am in love with writing. It's my passion for sure. Well that love for writing also plays into my relationship with God. See, I love journaling. I'll whip out my journal and just write to my heart's content all that is going on in my life. My heartaches, questions, dreams and desires, thanksgivings, and just in general all of my prayers will be poured out in writing. It truly is beautiful the way in which we each have our own unique ways in which we connect most easily to God. For some it's writing, music, praying in the silence...whatever it may be, I encourage you to embrace that. It's a gift from God, don't take if fore granted. I've made that mistake too many times with my journaling and in the long run it always causes me more distress than necessary. Good thing Jesus is literally always just waiting for us (like in the cartoon above) to begin the journey with us once again.

Okay, getting back on track, the point of discussing my love for writing and journaling is that I just recently FINALLY pulled my journal back out. Ah, long time coming let me tell you. So yes, I pull my journal out and I'm just writing away right? After I finished my journal entry, I flipped to the next page and just began writing some random phrases, whatever came to mind, in different fonts. Here let me just show you what I'm talking about.

So there's an example random journal entry for ya. But okay, here's the part that I just love!
The instant I finished writing the last bit on that page that I did, Jesus so simply and gently said to me, "You're listening Hannah. Now run with it."

How incredibly beautiful is that? How often does God gently remind us of something, or give us just the push we need to keep going on this extravagant journey in life and we maybe 'hear' His words, but that's it. And yet here He was lovingly telling me to run with it. I just can't get over it. I can't get over Him.

God always, always knows just what He's doing. Just when I think I know my own heart, He is probably up there laughing at my human ignorance. And that's when He'll tell me, "No my child, here's what you really need."
So next time you hear God telling you something or answering your prayers in ways you didn't expect. Run with it. You're in the best of hands.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We are His

So I woke up like way exhausted today not wanting to move an inch right? Well after a few minutes of mentally preparing myself, I finally got up and booked it for work so I wouldn't be late. And do you ever have those moments where you turn to your favorite radio station, fingers crossed, that your current favorite song will play? Who are we kidding, I am pretty sure this happens to everyone at least once in their lifetime.

Well this particular morning, before even turning to my station, I was singing Hold You Up by Shane Harper (so good, it's a must listen to!) After a few seconds of just singing aloud to myself, I turn to my station and give or take within a couple more seconds, you'll never guess what song came on. Yes. None other than Hold You Up. Bahh! Needless to say, I just found myself smiling as I let the song and the lyrics just speak to me as they each and every time I listen to the song. Which I highly recommend that anyone reading this right now take the time to go look up the song. Scratch that, better yet I will just pull it up on here for you! Check the lyrics out, they're so legit. 

I just want to point out one line from the song that just speaks to my heart every time I hear it. 

"The demons will haunt you and try to steal what you know." 

Wow, I can't say I've ever heard it better put than that right there! When I hear those lyrics, I am automatically brought back to all of the moments that I find myself immensely struggling with all of the doubts in my mind that separate me from Christ and His love for me. All of those moments that I find it hard to see my own self worth. All of the times that I feel self inflicted harm will be an escape. All of the constant drumming of lies in my head. 

How spot on is it that the demons, that the devil, will work at our very souls to steal and mask all that we know to be true. If the devil thinks that by being able to slither into our lives and our hearts, he will then be able to tangle our thoughts just enough to pull us away from Jesus and ultimately destroy us, then let me be the first to say how wrong he is. 

Who is he to think that he would ever have even the slightest chance at stealing Christ's love for us? Who would he be to try and steal our self worth when we are so beautifully made in the image and likeness of our loving Father, God. Let me tell you. he is no one. 

We are each unrepeatable, irreplaceable daughters and sons of our God, and that right there is enough to put the devil back in his place.  

I just cannot get over the depth of the lyrics in this song and the hopeful message that it portrays. I honestly feel like I could just go on and on about this song and the endless ways that it speaks to my heart! But I want to leave a challenge for anyone reading this, that you might take this song and really just dive into the lyrics and meaning of the words yourself. I guarantee there will be something special for you somewhere in this song. 

Take heart, my friends! For the devil stands no chance at stealing any tiny bit of who we are when we entrust ourselves completely to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is ours, and we are His.