Wednesday, December 18, 2013

That Heart That is Meant to Love You

Well I have genuinely slacked in writing on here for a long time, oops! But I'm back with more thoughts for whoever wants to take the time to read my ramblings!

So what I want to focus on in this post is a quote I came across on Pinterest. Yes, I am very much so into pinterest I must confess. May as well get it out of the way early for any of you haters out there. Just kidding though, you all are great, pinners or not! =)

Alright so here is the quote...

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you.

Hang on now, re-read that and really just let it sink in. Heck, read it several times actually! It's worth re-reading!

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you. 

That phrase in itself is so beautifully written; so much depth to such a small single statement. After I read that, I basically broke it down into sections. Flaws. That instantly stood out to me because so often I tend to zoom in on my mistakes and failures. My own flaws. Then continuing on not even a few words later flaws is so quickly followed by the word perfect. Perfection. Jesus Christ. My Savior and Redeemer. He is the epitome of perfection, ah how I adore Him.

Then, the last little bit. The heart that is meant to love you. I just love the wording in that because it isn't the heart that will love you, or the heart that does love you. But instead, the heart that is so wonderfully meant to love you. 

And speaking as a woman who is a sucker for romance, it's oh so easy to get wrapped up in looking for that sweet gentleman, my prince charming, who will sweep me off my feet to no end. But as I read that quote, I was instantly brought back to my one true love, my dear sweet Savior.

Before any charming man captures my heart and loves me, it is Jesus Christ that is meant to love me day in and day out. Every second of every single moment. In every breath. He is extraordinarily, to no end, loving us, flaws and all!

Just the other day during my lunch break from work, I went to the nearby Catholic church to just spend time ravishing in quality time with my love. I caught a glimpse of my very own scars and was quickly reminded of all of my flaws. The ways in which I continually let down my friends and family, and even myself. As I cried out to God begging for His comfort, He simply told me this.

"My princess, my flower, my rose. Look at me. And remind yourself how much I love you. I would die again for you every single day just to be near you. Just to listen to you. Have I not taken care of you in the past? What would make now any different?"

And that is so true. Regardless of my flaws, His love remains. In all actuality, we are all so perfect for the heart that is meant to love us. And that is Jesus Christ. Always and forever.

And as I leave you with those thoughts, I encourage each of you to embrace the adventure that is set before each of us as we allow Christ to pursue us. After all, there is no better heart meant to love us than His.