Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finding Myself in Him

So this is the first time in awhile I've just sat down to really catch my breath and listen to music. I pulled up my blog to write out what I would hope to be some encouraging words and instead I found myself completely at a loss of words. You know how sometimes your mind is enthralled with a billion thoughts all at once? Well, maybe you haven't experienced that if you're a guy, but I'm sure all of us girls have! Well that's where I'm at right now.

My mind thankfully takes some comfort in recalling the bible verse John 16:33...
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Even as I feel pain, sadness, and loneliness, I find strength not only in this verse, but in one single, powerful word. Overcome. In the same aspect that Jesus has overcome the world, how can I not see the graces that God pours over me so that I, too, may overcome all my trials. Jesus, our Lord and Savior has overcome the world! I cannot even begin to comprehend that fact! This generation that needs more than anything to be healed, He has overcome. This world in which sex is tossed around as though it is nothing. This world where babies are brutally aborted each and every day. This world where there are more broken hearts than smiles. This world full or hurt. He has overcome it all. Well if that isn't a prince in shining armor, I don't know what is! God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I ask that You would help me to overcome as You have.

As I sit here trying to concentrate on what I'm writing, I can't help but be distracted by the two friends I am sitting with. Stephanie and Miles. They are currently working on sign language for a song for an upcoming retreat. Priceless, let me tell you. I am more blessed than I could possibly deserve. And maybe, just maybe, that's where I'm finding my pain. I often feel as though all of the amazing people who have impacted my life will not realize just how much I cherish all that they are in my life. What if God were to take them from my life before I was ready? How can I possibly show them and truly express my thanks to them? Looking at these two right now I just hope and pray that I can be as faithful and wonderful as they are.

Whew, well I am exhausted. I'm thinking it's time to finish up some art, talk with my best friend, Jesus, and fall asleep listening to some Jesus music.
Thank you God for the people you've blessed me with <3 <3 <3