Tuesday, October 18, 2011

His will be done =)

Hello to anyone and everyone reading this right now! I'm pretty excited to have created this blog! Being a freshman in college it can be very hard adjusting and let me tell you, I was definitely way nervous. I was freaking out that'd I'd be crazy homesick like right away. But before I jump into the craziness of starting college here at CSU, I wanted to clarify the purpose of my creating a blog. At first I thought, yea this would be a great way to keep my sisters in tune with my life and all that's happening right? Well yes, that's definitely true. But even more so I want to take this opportunity to inspire others to open their eyes and hearts to all of God's amazingly beautiful blessings in disguise. I don't know about anyone else, but I've definitely gone through some crazy hard times in which it's been hard to see how anything could be beautiful. Thankfully God reminds me that the truth of the matter is that we are surrounded by much more beauty than we could ever imagine! It's just a matter of truly opening our eyes and hearts to all the blessings around us every single day. I don't want to just write on here to tell stories. My hope is that these stories will be a reminder of God's never-ending love for us.

Well on that note, let me give you a quick run down of adjusting to being away from family and living independently. When my parents and sister dropped me off, I was miserable. You can ask any one of them and they'd be able to tell you how upset I was. My family is my everything so the last thing I wanted to do was be away from them. I was trying to prepare myself for feeling very, very alone. One of my friends had given me some great advice that I should be slow and steady about picking my friends at college. He said that it'd be worth a few lonely nights to wait for the right friends. I kept that advice close to my heart and I prayed that I would be strong enough to face the lonely nights and not get caught up with people that wouldn't build me up in my faith. Well that very first weekend of being at college, I was a mess. I just wanted to cry all the time! Thankfully my oldest sister who lives in Denver was able to come up and visit me that first weekend. When she left on that Sunday, I felt completely lost again. I feel like I'm rambling right now though so I'm going to cut this shorter. Basically, I went to church that evening, which of course was just beautiful. Following mass they served dinner and I met some people at the table I sat at. They all finished eating rather fast though, and I ended up sitting there by myself for a little while. Looking around, all the other tables were packed full. So I decided to just head back to campus. Well, God had me wait there just long enough because not long after I got up to leave I was invited to a bonfire following dinner over at the FOCUS guys house. I cannot describe how blessed I was in that moment. I may sound incredibly pathetic right now, but because God allowed the opportunity for me to meet new people at that bonfire, I met some of the most amazing people I've ever known.

You'll definitely be hearing more about these wonderful people in my later blogs, but I'm going to actually try and get some homework down now. So I'll save that for later. =) I can't help but smile when I think about my experiences here at CSU so far. God is just too amazing to truly understand His ways. It's just so beautiful to think about! Thank you God...

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18